I think it was around 1985, the glorious 80's, the grandfather of recently dead real estate gluttony.
Oh yes, where were we? At that time working in an office with a receptionist (the good old days of architectural practice.)
One day my the attractive idol, who just got a divorce and had the boss on a leash, told me she had seen 'the most gorgeous building' on the way to work that morning...
Almost 25 years later, then newly built LIND Building still stands. For lease...
The developer, if I remember my chance meeting , collected building parts and very interest4d in Japanese and Victorian framing. He was a very good framer too. Loved to talk framming tricks.
There are many sites he developed, this was one of the better ones. Most in the valley, one in Sherman Oaks near Fulton Ave, another huge on Ventura west of Encino with neo-classical columns fronting office space. This can been seen off the 101 Ventura Frwy. His 'style' includes lots of stained glass, period windows (the early projects windows doors were restored from salvage), Victorain details. Truly and faithfully retro period style. The plans, of course, are modern; and the overall feel is like a speculative Disney theme building.
God is in the details? That deity is named nostalgia.
i have seen the one in the valley. on ventura blvd., east of topanga.
always did love that bldg.
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